Common Readers: "Daughter of the Morning Star"

  Dates & times
  Category Program
  Age Groups Adults


Common Readers will be reading “Daughter of the Morning Star” by Craig Johnson in October.

“When Lolo Long's niece Jaya begins receiving death threats, Tribal Police Chief Long calls on Absaroka County Sheriff Walt Longmire along with Henry Standing Bear as lethal backup. Jaya Longshot Long is the phenom of the Lame Deer Lady Stars High School basketball team and is following in the steps of her older sister, who disappeared a year previously, a victim of the scourge of missing Native Woman in Indian Country. Lolo hopes that having Longmire involved might draw some public attention to the girl's plight, but with this maneuver she also inadvertently places the good sheriff in a one-on-one with the deadliest adversary he has ever faced in both this world and the next.”

The discussion will take place at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 16 in the library’s large meeting room. The author will be attendance via Zoom. Copies of the book are available upon request at the library’s front desk. It is also available as an ebook and audiobook on Libby and as an audiobook on hoopla.