2025 Idita-READ Adult Winter Reading Program

January is the perfect time to catch up on your reading and the Upper Sandusky Community Library wants to support you in your reading goals! 

Sign up for the Idita-READ Adult Winter Reading Program at the library's front desk beginning Jan. 6 and work your way towards prizes. Each time you check out books from the library, you will receive a scratch-off ticket for a chance at a prize. That ticket also will serve as an entry for the bigger weekly prize drawings. Winners will be notified by phone. 

The weekly prizes include: 

  • Hoody blanket 
  • Snow Trails tickets 
  • Heated blanket 
  • Book seat 
  • Hoody blanket 
  • Agatha Christie puzzle

Submitting a photo of yourself reading with your dog earns you an entry into a doggy-related prize, which will be drawn after Feb. 15. Photos can be submitted on the library’s Facebook page via Messenger or emailed to ksmalley@seolibraries.org. Please include your name and phone number as part of your entry. 

The Idita-READ Adult Winter Reading Program runs through Feb. 15. 

For more information about this or any other Upper Sandusky Community Library program, stop by the front desk or call the library at 419-294-1345.

Source URL: https://www.usclibrary.org/content/2025-idita-read-adult-winter-reading-program